10 strange sex facts we bet you didn’t know
Endlessly fascinating and always controversial, there are a million and one
ways to talk about sex. But we reckon even a seasoned sexpert would still be
surprised by some of these random facts. Here Yeong Sassall lists the strange
and downright crazy things we bet you didn't know about doing the deed. Prepare
to be enlightened
Male sperm is surprisingly resilient. Sperm inside a woman’s vagina can
live in her cervical mucus or upper genital tract for 3-5 days. Provided the
sperm remains alive, it may even be able to fertilise the egg, too. Sperm
ejaculated outside the body is less tough – it can survive up to a few hours
If a female ferret doesn’t mate while she’s in heat, she can die! If she’s
unable to find a sex partner and stays in heat too long, her body will start to
secrete high levels of estrogen, which causes aplastic anemia – a deadly
disease for ferrets
There’s plenty of male sperm to go around. And we mean plenty: One single
guy produces enough sperm in two weeks to impregnate every fertile woman on the
planet. (Wonder if Ryan Gosling knows this?)
Apparently the Divinyls were right – there is a fine line between pleasure
and pain – at least during sex, that is. According to a study published in the
Journal of Sex Research, when you’re aroused your pain threshold can increase
significantly. It’s even better if you reach the big O – orgasms have been
known to block pain by releasing a hormone which elevates your pain threshold.
During World War I, members of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)
discovered you could use semen as invisible ink. Apparently, it didn’t react
with iodine vapour (the main method used to detect invisible ink) and, as a
bonus, it was also readily available. They stopped using it once they realised
that it began to smell if it wasn’t, uh, fresh. Disturbing, but true
Sex is big, big business. According to a 2005 study published in Sexual
Addiction & Compulsivity, more than half of all spending on the internet is
estimated to be related to sex. That’s a lot of porn and sex toys.
After you orgasm, your body releases an anti-diuretic hormone, which
explains why you may have trouble urinating directly after sex. Stick with it
though – going to the loo after sex helps to prevent urinary tract infections
We all love an IKEA fix, especially the Europeans. So much that it’s
estimated that one in 10 European babies were conceived on an IKEA bed. We
wonder how many IKEA cot purchases that also equated to?
Ladies, forget push-up bras – just get frisky instead. A woman’s breasts
can swell up 25 per cent when she’s aroused. And about one per cent of women
are able to orgasm through the stimulation of their breasts and nipples alone To More
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