Sexting: The surprising truth you should know

Sexting: The surprising truth you should know

Why sexting could be the key to relationship satisfaction, a study reveals.
If you’re looking at ways to add a little more heat to your relationship (because the weekly date night just isn’t cutting it) then you might want to consider picking up your phone and being a little flirty.

Yep, it seems that this conversational, sexy banter isn’t just a teen fad after all. New research from Drexel University, reveals that sexting with your other half can lead to an increased overall satisfaction with your relationship.

The sexting habits of 870 heterosexual men and women (aged 18-82) were surveyed, which also included their satisfaction with their romantic relationships, as well as their sexual satisfaction.

The results? They found that almost everyone (88 percent of their respondents) had in some stage of their life sent out or received a sexually-suggestive message, either via text or over the Internet.

And no, it’s not just the men sending out flirty messages. Women were found to be just as likely to get involved as their male counterparts — you go girl!

Whether it be through texts, pics or videos — it’s still unsure as to what works, and what doesn’t. But we’re pretty sure that something so intimate comes down to personal preference, right? Whatever it might be, the study did find that adults really do view sexting as an important part of their romantic relationships.

Emily Stasko, a doctoral candidate at Drexel University and one of the authors of this study says, “Not all sexting is equal. Like most types of communication, content and intent matter.”

So next time you’re looking for an extra spark in your relationship, go on, send that sexy text. Because there’s a little flirt inside everyone (

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