Showing posts with label HEALTH TIPS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH TIPS. Show all posts

Effective ways to Lose Weight Fast

The internet is swamped with many tips on effective ways to shed off weight fast such that it can be difficult for dieters to decide which program is best for maximum results. No need to panic, though reducing weight can be a challenging task, there are plenty of free effective tips to shed of body fat fast that work and will produce best weight reduction results that you have always wanted. So if you want the best way to shed off unwanted body fat fast and keep it off permanently, this article will show you which methods work.

1. Effective ways to Lose Weight Fast Tip # 1

If you read a lot of weight related books and guides, you will discover that one of the repeatedly emphasized tips to maximum weight loss includes proper diet and nutrition. Usually this is easier said than done because dieters find themselves going back to the foods that made them fat and discard the meal plan altogether. One of the top tips to keep in mind is to change your eating habits gradually until you eliminate all unhealthy foods. I know how hard this can be that's why i recommend that you do this gradually instead of all at once. In order to lose weight easily, you have to understand that food is a very important aspect of your journey to lose weight. Whatever types of food you eat can either increase your weight or help reduce it. The top effective ways to lose weight fast through proper diet and nutrition is to eat foods that accelerate weight reduction and also help to reduce weight fast such as raw fruits and vegetables, organic meat, fish, eggs and plenty other unprocessed foods..

2. Effective ways to lose weight fast Tip # 2 [news]

The second tip to effective weight loss is to avoid all processed foods and carbonated drinks from your meal plan. I mention this quite a lot in my articles because though important, most dieters ignore it and wonder why they just can't lose weight fast. Your meal plan is a very important part of your weight loss goals and one of the top effective ways to lose weight fast is to concentrate on raw organic foods that do not contain any sweeteners or additives. The additives almost always contain sugar which is high in calories and bad for weight loss. Another tip includes avoiding carbonated drinks and sodas which also contain sweeteners high in sugar. These additives or addictives as i like to call them make you crave for more and more.Instead, a tip on the effective ways to lose weight fast is to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated, this will not only flush out toxins from your body but water will help you to lose weight fast by curbing out cravings for sweets and biscuits as you feel fuller with each gulp. A plus for water intake is that it does not contain any calories therefore making it one of the top effective ways to lose weight fast. Water intake will also boost your metabolism and keep you energized from all your intensive workout routines.

3. Effective ways to lose weight fast Tip # 3

The third top effective way to eliminate body fat fast is to stay motivated and to persevere. When starting a weight loss program, most dieters think they can just apt and get started and start seeing results today. Weight loss does not work like that, most dieters fail with it because they lose motivation with their workout or perhaps their cardio routines are too long and boring or maybe they hate half the food on their meal plan. Weight loss can be a challenge but it is not impossible. You need to stay motivated in order to achieve your weight loss goals. Find a workout partner, join a gym, be innovative with your meal plan, if you don't like cabbage use lettuce instead, have fun and don't beat yourself up too much. If you cheat, don't stop just get back up and keep focusing on your weight loss goals. One of the top effective ways to maximum weight reduction is to stay positive and surround yourself with people who want to achieve weight loss so that you can learn and share.

4. Effective ways to lose weight fast Tip # 4

Working out is one of the top effective ways to reduce weight fast but if you want maximum weight loss, you need to take it up a notch. Long hours of boring cardio are not going to help you out on this one, you need to combine strength training with cardio to achieve maximum weight loss. For top effective ways to lose weight fast with exercise, it is recommended to get a trainer if possible. A common mistake that dieters make is to workout specific parts of the body where they want to see weight loss like the arms, the thighs or belly. There may be some exercise routines or machines meant for these specific body parts but if you want top effective ways to lose weight fast, you need to workout out all the large muscle groups in your body, work the entire body and you will drop the scale numbers. When was the last time you saw a fat person with really thin arms, not a pretty sight. You need to workout your entire body for a better sculpture and slim looking body.

There you have you top 4 effective ways to lose weight fast and keep it off permanently. I know how hard this can be but though challenging, you can do it. Think of that sexy body you want and how great you will look in that bikini. Think of those nice sexy abs you've always wanted, you can achieve weight goals that you deserve, get started today and start seeing results immediately.

What if after trying everything you still can't shed off that unwanted body fat. I know how hard, challenging and daunting weight loss can be but if you really want to gain your self esteem back and boost your self confidence, you will need weight loss methods that work and produce permanent results.

You can find more free information on what is the best way to lose weight fast
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6 Best solutions for hair loss

Every day, we each lose about 50 to 100 hairs, which is totally normal. But when you start to notice thinning, bald patches, or even clumps of hair falling out, man or woman, you start to worry.
 Hair loss isn’t just a cosmetic issue. Experts agree, although it may be genetic, hair loss can also be sign that something in the body is imbalanced.

Find out how to uncover the real cause of hair loss and learn which remedies can help.

1. Best solutions for hair loss : Get your hormones checked.
Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness, is the most common type of hair loss. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it affects about 80 million people.
 And oftentimes, the culprit lies with the hormones, specifically dihydrotestosterone or DHT..
Some people have a genetic predisposition to this “hormone hijacking,” but it can also be due to diet, lifestyle and environment. A simple blood test can determine your hormone levels and their pathways. Then by working with your physician, you can make changes and find natural ways to help hair grow.
 2. Best solutions for hair loss: Look for other root causes.
“Fully understanding everything that is awry is very important at the onset because hair cannot regrow unless the environment is perfect
Anemia, insulin resistance, thyroid problems, an autoimmune disease like alopecia areata, and stress can all cause hair loss. It may even signal what’s known in Chinese medicine as a kidney yin and blood deficiency.Different organ systems manifest in different parts of the body and it’s the kidneys that manifests on the hair on our head.
Chinese herbs, acupuncture and foods like goji berries can build up yin in the body and restore balance.
 3. Best solutions for hair loss :Stop over-styling.
If you’re constantly touching up your dark roots, or fighting with your super curly hair to be stick straight, you could actually be causing breakage. Since the hair is breaking faster than it’s growing, it looks like you’re losing it. 
If all of these treatments and styling preferences don’t enhance your natural hair, then in some regards, they can be destructive
 4. Best solutions for hair loss: Medications may help.
Minoxidil is an FDA-approved treatment for hair loss but it has to be used consistently for it to be effective. Also, it takes four to six months to see any improvement and up to a year to get the full benefit
 Finasteride, also known by the brand name Propecia, is a pill that’s FDA-approved but only for men. Although effective, there is a risk for heart problems, increased heart rate, edema, headaches, and weight gain.
 5. Best solutions for hair loss: Try laser hair therapy.
Low-level laser light brushes, combs and other devices which are FDA-cleared for both men and women are available without a prescription. Although it’s not clear how the devices work, it’s thought to “stimulate the hair follicles’ energy cells to be more active,” Francis said. They’re also foolproof, telling you when and how far to move the device and they even automatically shut off. 
 6. Best solutions for hair loss : Consider hair transplant surgery.
The hair follicles that are thinning are actually still in the scalp, but they’re sleeping.

Good sex tips Sexual arousal in women

During arousal and sex, there are various stages of physical response. Researchers have identified four stages of sexual response in women and men: arousal, plateau, orgasm and resolution. This article describes what happens in a woman's body when she is sexually aroused.
Stage Good sex 1: excitement or arousal
When a woman becomes aroused (turned on), the blood vessels in her genitals dilate. There is increased blood flow in the vaginal walls, which causes fluid to pass through them. This is the main source of lubrication, which makes the vagina wet.
The external genitalia or vulva (including the clitoris, vaginal opening, and inner and outer lips or labia) become engorged (swollen) due to the increased blood supply. Inside the body, the top of the vagina expands.
The pulse and breathing quicken, and blood pressure rises. A woman may become flushed, especially on the chest and neck, due to the blood vessels dilating.
Stage Good sex 2: plateau
Blood flow to the lower third of the vagina reaches its limit, and causes the lower area of the vagina to become swollen and firm. This is called the introitus, sometimes known as the orgasmic platform, and undergoes rhythmic contractions during orgasm.
A woman’s breasts may increase in size by up to 25%, and blood flow to the area around the nipple (the areola) increases, making the nipples look less erect.
As a woman gets closer to orgasm, her clitoris pulls back against the pubic bone and seems to disappear. Continuous stimulation is needed in this phase to build up enough sexual excitement for orgasm.
Stage Good sex 3: orgasm
Orgasm is the intense and pleasurable release of sexual tension that has built up in the earlier stages, characterised by contractions (0.8 seconds apart) of the genital muscles, including the introitus
Most women don’t experience the recovery period that men do after an orgasm. A woman may have another orgasm if she's stimulated again.
Not all women have an orgasm every time they have sex. For most women, foreplay is an important role in an orgasm occurring. This can include stroking erogenous zones and stimulating the clitoris.
Stage Good sex 4: resolution
This is when the woman's body slowly returns to its normal state. Swelling reduces, and breathing and heart rate slow down.
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HIV / AIDS the ongoing stigma and its impact on testing

AT present, around 35.3 million people worldwide are living with HIV or AIDS. Each day, almost 6,300 people are infected with HIV - the equivalent to 262 every hour. There is not yet a cure for the virus, although there are treatments that can help manage and slow its progression. But not everyone with HIV knows they have it.
Of the 1.1 million who are living with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) in the US, almost 1 in 8 do not even realize they have the infection, meaning they are at increased risk of death due to lack of treatment.
And the lack of HIV awareness and testing is even more of a concern among low- and middle-income countries, where the disease is most prevalent. In 2012, only 35% of infants living in these countries who were born to mothers with HIV received an HIV test in the first 2 months of life, indicating that more needs to be done on a global scale to ensure people with the virus receive diagnosis and treatment.
In this Spotlight, we look at the signs and symptoms of HIV, the testing procedures available, whether there is still stigma associated with the virus, and how this may be preventing at-risk individuals from being tested.
HIV is a virus that weakens the human immune system by destroying T cells or CD4 cells that normally fight infection and disease. The virus uses these cells to make copies of itself, enabling it to spread.

Once the virus has destroyed a large number of these immune cells, this can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) - the final stage of the HIV infection - in which the body is no longer able to stave off life-threatening infection.

Although not all people experience symptoms in the early stages of HIV infection, many people can experience flu-like symptoms within the first 2-4 weeks, such as fever, swollen glands, sore throat, headache, fatigue, rash and aches and pains in the muscles or joints. This is referred to as acute retroviral syndrome (ARS) or primary HIV infection.

Following the early stages of HIV infection is what is referred to as the "clinical latency" stage, or chronic HIV infection. During this stage, the infection may not cause any symptoms at all or very mild ones.

During the later stages of infection - as it is progressing toward AIDS - symptoms may include rapid weight loss, chronic fatigue, prolonged diarrhea, pneumonia, sores of the mouth, anus or genitals, memory loss, depression and blotches under the skin or inside the mouth, nose or eyelids. However, antiretroviral therapy (ART) - a combination of at least three antiretroviral drugs - may slow the development of such symptoms.

Many people with HIV can live with infection for more than 10 years without any symptoms developing and only experience symptoms - such as sickness - when they are progressing toward AIDS. Therefore, it is important to know the risk factors for HIV and undergo testing for the infection as early as possible.

How can HIV be transmitted?
A person who is infected with HIV can transmit the virus through certain bodily fluids, such as blood, semen, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids and breast milk. In order to transmit infection, the fluids must come into contact with a mucous membrane (found inside the vagina, rectum, mouth and opening of the penis), damaged tissue or receive an injection directly through the blood stream from a needle or syringe.

In the US, the virus is most commonly contracted through unprotected sex with an HIV-infected partner, and sharing needles, syringes or other injection-drug tools with a person infected with HIV.

HIV may also be transmitted to a child by an infected mother through pregnancy, birth or breastfeeding, or a person may become infected through receiving blood products or organ/tissue transplants contaminated with HIV, though such incidences are rare.

As stated previously, many people with HIV may not experience any symptoms, or the symptoms may even be mistaken for other illnesses. If a person believes they are at risk of HIV, the best way to find out is to undergo an HIV test.

HIV testing
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that every individual between the ages of 13 and 64 undergo an HIV test as part of routine medical care. People at high risk of HIV infection - such as those who have had unprotected sex, or who have sex in exchange for money or drugs - are recommended to have an HIV test at least once a year.

HIV testing[HIV / AIDS  ]
There are three main tests that can detect HIV: the HIV antibody test, the HIV RNA test and the Western blot test.
There are three main tests that can detect HIV. The most common is the HIV antibody test, which can detect HIV antibodies - proteins produced in response to HIV infection - in urine, blood or mouth fluids. This test is not usually carried out until 3-6 months after potential HIV infection, as it can take this long for antibodies to be produced.

The HIV RNA test, however, may detect whether HIV is present in a person's blood within 9-11 days of infection, and test results can be available within a few days to weeks.

The Western blot test is usually carried out if results from the HIV RNA or HIV antibody tests are positive. It is used to confirm whether HIV is present in the blood.

There are also two home tests available that have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). One of these involves taking a blood sample and sending it to a laboratory for testing, while the other involves taking a swab of the gums with a device to obtain a sample of oral fluids before inserting the sample into a test solution. If the results of these tests are positive, they must be followed up with a Western blot test[HIV / AIDS  ]

ভিটামিন বা ক্যালসিয়ামজাতীয় ওষুধ মাসের পর মাস খেলে কি ক্ষতি হয়।

ভিটামিন বা ক্যালসিয়ামজাতীয় ওষুধ মাসের পর মাস খেলে কি ক্ষতি হয়।

 কেউ মাসের পর মাস খেয়ে চলেন ভিটামিন বা ক্যালসিয়ামজাতীয় ওষুধতবে চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ ছাড়া এভাবে দীর্ঘদিন ওষুধ সেবন করা কি ঠিক?

গ্যাস্ট্রিকের ওষুধ বছরের পর বছর: অ্যাসিডিটি বা গ্যাসের সমস্যা আছে ভেবে কেউ কেউ দীর্ঘদিন ধরে ওষুধ সেবন করেনএ ধরনের ওষুধ পাকস্থলীর হাইড্রোক্লোরিক অ্যাসিডের নিঃসরণ কমিয়ে দেয়এই অ্যাসিড স্বাভাবিক পরিপাক প্রক্রিয়ায় খাবার বিচূর্ণ করতে সাহায্য করে এবং জীবাণু ধ্বংস করেকারণে-অকারণে অনবরত গ্যাসের ওষুধ সেবনের ফলে অ্যাসিডের স্বাভাবিক কাজগুলো ব্যাহত হয়অনেক সময় দীর্ঘদিন এ ধরনের ওষুধ সেবনের ফলে অন্ত্রে নানা রকম ভিটামিন শোষণের কাজ ব্যাহত হয়এমনকি দীর্ঘদিন গ্যাসের ওষুধ সেবন করার ফলে পরবর্তী সময়ে পাকস্থলীর ক্যানসারও হতে পারে

মাল্টিভিটামিন: শারীরিক দুর্বলতার জন্য বা এমনিতেই অনেকে নানা ধরনের মাল্টিভিটামিন সেবন করে থাকেনকিন্তু প্রতিদিনের স্বাভাবিক খাবার থেকেই শরীরের প্রয়োজনীয় ভিটামিন ও খনিজ লবণ পাওয়া যায়তাই ভিটামিনের চাহিদা পূরণের জন্য বাড়তি ওষুধের প্রয়োজন নেইচিকিৎসকের নির্দেশনা ছাড়া যাঁরা দীর্ঘদিন মাল্টিভিটামিন সেবন করেন, তাঁরা পরবর্তী সময়ে দেহে অনাবশ্যক ভিটামিন বৃদ্ধি বা হাইপারভিটামিনোসিসে আক্রান্ত হতে পারেন

ক্যালসিয়াম: হাড়ের জন্য ক্যালসিয়াম একটি আবশ্যিক উপাদানতার মানে এই নয় যে হাড়ে বা অস্থিসন্ধিতে ব্যথা হলেই ক্যালসিয়াম ট্যাবলেট উপকারে আসবেক্যালসিয়ামের অভাবে যেমন হাড়ের অসুখ হতে পারে, তেমনি কোনো কোনো ক্ষেত্রে ক্যালসিয়াম বেড়ে যাওয়ার কারণেও হাড়ে ব্যথা হতে পারেতাই হাড়ে বা সন্ধিতে ব্যথা হলেই ক্যালসিয়াম ওষুধ খাওয়া ঠিক নয়যথাযথ রোগ নির্ণয়ের মাধ্যমে চিকিৎসকই নির্ধারণ করবেন, আপনার জন্য ক্যালসিয়াম ওষুধ প্রয়োজন কি না

Sex Tips: sex positions, orgasm, better sex

Sex Tips: sex positions, orgasm, better sex
honest sex advice and sex tips--from new sex positions that'll spice things up to how to handle the most awkward bedroom moments
New Study Says Men Want Sex, but Women Want Good Sex

A new study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin looked at dating dealbreakers—those irritating or offensive or otherwise unacceptable things that kill our desire for a relationship with someone—and how they vary between men and women.
Researchers combined data from six studies (looking at a total of 6,500 people's dating preferences). For the most part, "Dealbreakers were associated with undesirable personality traits," with "disheveled" "lazy" and "needy" being the top three named by both men and woman, according to the study. Dealbreakers also centered around unhealthy lifestyles and having different sexual and romantic goals. Women had more dealbreakers than men (or, at the least, weighed them more heavily) and people with higher mate value (translation: who considered themselves a catch and a half) also tended to have more dealbreakers. Not surprising, right?

When it comes to casual, short-term relationships, the Wall Street Journal reports that only three main dealbreakers came up consistently: “has health issues, such as STDs,” “smells bad” and “has poor hygiene." “Basically, for short-term partners, if they have a toothbrush, they’re good to go,” Gregory Webster, associate professor of social psychology at the University of Florida, told the WSJ. We like to think we're a bit more discerning than that, but research is research.

When looking for a more serious partner or a longer-term relationship, sex was a top dealbreaker for both men and women, but with a crucial difference: The WSJ reports that men found "low sex drive" to be a major dealbreaker, but that more women said "bad sex" was a no-go for them. It would seem that men are happy if they're getting it regularly, while would place more importance on the quality of the sex.

Do you agree? Would you be happier having sex less often if it was amazing, or would you rather get it almost every day but settle for so-so sex? Or, do you hold out for the partner that likes to have sex as often as you do and knocks your socks off every time?

The 10 Best Sex Tips of All Time

The 10 Best Sex Tips of All Time
Redbook knows good sex—and we've got the library to prove it. We compiled the hottest tips, sultriest bedroom moves, and most surprising advice so you can shake up your between-the-sheets routine

You make a grocery list every week, so why not do the same for your sex life? "Be daring and spontaneous," says sexologist and podcast host Emily Morse. Make a numbered list of the things you and your husband want to try and set a date for when you want to accomplish those goals by.

 "What matters is the thrill of new places and new moves to go with them. You can't revert back to old-fashioned missionary when you're doing it in a cramped shower stall," explains Morse

It could be as simple as, "Come tuck me in" or "You have homework," but making up a few sexy code words you can text throughout the day can be really beneficial to your relationship.

 Couples who use just-between-us language are happier in their relationship than couples who don't, according to a study published in the Journal of Social And Personal Relationships
Believe it or not, men do want foreplay action. In fact, research shows that they want at least 18 minutes of it, while we all thought they only. Turns out, men really love a good game of footsie to get the night started on the right foot.

 "My wife, Laura, plays a world-class game of footsie. She has beautiful feet and wears a lot of high heels. She runs the side of her foot up and down my calf, first on the

Well, sort of. Start in an upright position with your knees on the ground and your shoulders over your hips. Lean back slowly as you squeeze your abs and glutes. Raise your arms up and sit all the way down so that your butt touches your heels. 

Then, quickly lift back up, leading with your hips and bringing your arms back down to your sides. This move not only will intensify your O, but celebrity trainer Anna Kaiser says these movements will help you get more connected with your body and make the whole sex experience feel

Keeping the A.C. off sets the stage for some seriously hot sex…literally. "Sweating enhances the production of pheromones, chemicals designed by the body to attract and arouse the best mate," says Kathleen Duffy, an aroma therapist and the owner of Herbarium, 

an herbal store in Massachusetts. "So amplifying your own unique scent through sweating will turn him on.


Kegels aren't the only toning exercise you should be doing to maximize your pleasure down there. Turns out your abdomen, lower back, and even butt muscles help you better position your pelvis during sex, says Barbara Keesling,. 

For example, when you're on your back with your legs bent upwards, your vaginal canal is shortened. Then if you push down with your lower back muscles and use your core for stability, you'll bring the front wall 

Every couple has a go-to sex move…and it's usually missionary. Add a fun twist to the classic position by squeezing your legs together so that his thighs are straddling yours when he enters you. 

The snugger fit will make your vagina feel tighter, his penis feel bigger, and create a whole lot of friction fun you both will enjoy

Sharing a flirty smile with the sexy grocer can give you a confidence boost and translate to an even hotter sex life with your husband between the sheets. 

"When you're in a trusting relationship, you can flirt in a harmless way

Ever find yourself in the mood after date night but not really in the mood because you just ate a huge dinner? Take matters into your own hands—literally. 

"Light pressure on your belly can help speed digestion along and help you process that bloated feeling…so rub your stomach in a reverse 'C' motion
in the shower

During foreplay and oral sex, make sure you rest a bit in between all the action. Awkward angles and pain make it hard to actually enjoy giving him a BJ,

 so don't be afraid to regroup for a few seconds, says Amy Marsh, a Berkeley, CA-based sexologist.


Sex Tips & Positions - Best Sex Moves and How To

Sex Tips & Positions - Best Sex Moves and How To

Get cozy as we take you through different sex positions and tips. Test out the Reverse Cowgirl or the Tantric Yab-Yum position for ultimate
You're never too old to learn new tricks. Get cozy as we take you through different sex positions and tips. Test out the Reverse Cowgirl or the Tantric Yab-Yum position for ultimate orgasm. From oral sex to sex in the shower, our experts got you covered


কী কারণে এত চুল পড়ছে

কী কারণে এত চুল পড়ছে

দিন দিন মাথার চুল পাতলা হয়ে যাচ্ছে, ঝরে যাচ্ছে, টাক পড়ে যাচ্ছেএমন কথা অনেকের মুখেই শোনা যায়চুল পড়া, চুল উঠে যাওয়া বা চুল পাতলা হয়ে যাওয়া নিয়ে চিন্তার অন্ত নেইছেলেমেয়ে সবাই এর শিকারচুল কেরাটিন নামের একরকম প্রোটিন দিয়ে তৈরি হয়চুলে ৯৭ ভাগ প্রোটিন ও ৩ ভাগ পানি রয়েছেচুলের যেটুকু আমরা দেখি সেটি মৃত কোষকারণ এতে অনুভূতিশীল কোনো কোষ নেইচুল প্রতি মাসে আধা ইঞ্চি করে বড় হয়স্বাভাবিকভাবে একটি চুল দুই থেকে চার বছর পর্যন্ত বড় হতে থাকেএরপর বৃদ্ধি কমে যায়গ্রীষ্মকালে চুল দ্রুত বড় হয় কিন্তু শীতকালে কম বড় হয়একটি চুলের গড় আয়ু দুই-আট বছরসুতরাং চুল কিছু না কিছু প্রতিদিন স্বাভাবিকভাবেই ঝরে যায়
শহীদ সোহরাওয়ার্দী মেডিকেল কলেজ ও হাসপাতালের চর্ম ও যৌন বিভাগের প্রধান অধ্যাপক রাশেদ মো. খান বলেন, সাধারণত খুশকি, অ্যান্ড্রোজেনিক হরমোন, দুশ্চিন্তা ও চুলে বিভিন্ন ধরনের প্রসাধনী ব্যবহার করার জন্য চুল পড়ে থাকে

কীভাবে বুঝবেন চুল পড়ছে?
একজন সুস্থ মানুষের মাথায় গড়ে এক থেকে দেড় লাখ চুল থাকেপ্রতিদিন ১০০ থেকে ১৫০টা পর্যন্ত চুল পড়া স্বাভাবিককিন্তু এর চেয়ে বেশি পড়লে তা অবশ্যই উদ্বেগের কারণবালিশ, তোয়ালে বা চিরুনিতে লেগে থাকা চুল গুনতে চেষ্টা করুনঅন্তত পরপর তিন দিনঅথবা অল্প এক গোছা চুল হাতে নিয়ে হালকা টান দিনযদি গোছার চার ভাগের এক ভাগ চুলই উঠে আসে, তবে তা চিন্তার বিষয়

কী কী কারণে চুল বেশি পড়তে পারে?
* •অ্যান্ড্রোজেনিক হরমোন নারীর চুল পড়া ও পুরুষের টাকের সবচেয়ে বড় কারণএই হরমোন সাধারণত পুরুষের শরীরে বেশি পরিমাণে থাকেযাদের শরীরে এই হরমোনের প্রভাব বেশি, তাদেরই বেশি করে চুল পড়েনারীর মেনোপজের সময় ও পরে অ্যান্ড্রোজেনিক হরমোন আনুপাতিক হারে বেড়ে যায়তখন হঠাৎ চুল বেশি করে পড়তে শুরু করে
* ছত্রাক সংক্রমণ বা খুশকি হলো চুল পড়ার অন্যতম কারণসে ক্ষেত্রে ছত্রাকরোধী শ্যাম্পু চুলে ব্যবহার করতে হয়এর জন্য ওষুধ খেতে হতে পারেসংক্রমণ ভালো হয়ে গেলে চুল আবার গজায়
*•শরীরের পুষ্টির ওপর চুলের স্বাস্থ্য নির্ভর করেদৈনিক খাদ্যতালিকায় আমিষ, শর্করা, চর্বি, খনিজ ও ভিটামিন পরিমিত পরিমাণে না থাকলে চুল পড়ে যায়এ ছাড়া শরীরে দীর্ঘদিন কোনো একটি উপাদানের অভাবে চুল পড়ে যায়
* দুশ্চিন্তায় ভুগলে বা মানসিক সমস্যা থাকলে স্বাভাবিকের চেয়ে বেশি চুল পড়তে পারেএমনকি টাক হওয়ার চিন্তায় নাকি টাক হয়তবে এ চুল পড়া সাময়িক এবং পুনরায় চুল গজায়তবে দীর্ঘদিন মানসিক দুশ্চিন্তায় থাকলে বা দুশ্চিন্তা কাটিয়ে উঠতে না পারলে অনেক বেশি চুল পড়ে যেতে পারে
* হরমোনের কমবেশি হওয়ার কারণে চুল উঠে যেতে পারেযেমন: থাইরয়েড হরমোনের মাত্রা কম বা বেশি হলে, গর্ভবতী অবস্থায় এবং বাচ্চার জন্মের পর হরমোনাল ভারসাম্য পরিবর্তিত হয় বলে তখন চুল বেশি পড়েহরমোনের এ পরিবর্তন আবার আগের অবস্থায় ফিরে গেলে পুনরায় চুল গজায়তবে তা আগের অবস্থায় যেতে এক বছর পর্যন্ত সময় লাগতে পারে
* ক্যানসার চিকিৎসায় কেমোথেরাপি দেওয়ার পর চুল উঠে যায়কেমোথেরাপির প্রথম ডোজ দেওয়ার দুই-তিন সপ্তাহ পর চুল পড়া শুরু হয় এবং কেমোর সর্বশেষ ডোজের তিন-চার মাস পর পুনরায় চুল গজানো শুরু হয়
* চুলের বিশেষ কোনো স্টাইলের জন্য যদি দীর্ঘদিন খুব টেনে চুল বাঁধা হয় বা টাইট করে খোঁপা বা ব্যান্ড করা হয়, তবে এ ধরনের চুল পড়া শুরু হয়দীর্ঘদিন এক রকম চুল বাঁধার কারণে চুল পড়া পুনরায় আগের অবস্থায় ফিরে যায় নাফলে টেনে বাঁধার কারণে এ চুল পড়া স্থায়ীভাবে চুল পড়ার কারণ হয়ে দাঁড়ায়খুব বেশি পরিমাণে চুল রঙিন করার প্রসাধন, চুল সোজা করা বা ক্রমাগত রিবন্ডিং করলে চুল পড়ার হার বেড়ে যায়কিছু ক্ষেত্রে আবার চুল ওঠে, কিন্তু অনেক সময় হেয়ার ফলিকলের (যে গ্রন্থি থেকে চুল হয়) স্থায়ী ক্ষতি হয়ে গেলে চুল আবার নাও গজাতে পারে
* কিছু অসুখে যেমন: অ্যানিমিয়া, টাইফয়েড, জন্ডিস, ম্যালেরিয়া, ডায়াবেটিস ইত্যাদিতে চুল পড়ে যেতে পারেঅনেক সময় অসুখ ভালো হওয়ার পরও চুল আর আগের অবস্থায় ফিরে যায় না
* শরীরে বড় কোনো অস্ত্রোপচার বা অপারেশনের পর বিভিন্ন ওষুধ প্রয়োগ, শারীরিক পরিবর্তন অথবা মানসিক উদ্বেগের কারণে অনেক সময় চুল পড়ে যেতে পারেতবে সুস্থ হওয়ার পর চার থেকে আট সপ্তাহের মধ্যে চুল আগের অবস্থায় ফিরে যায়
*•কোনো কোনো ওষুধের পার্শ্বপ্রতিক্রিয়ায় চুল পড়তে পারে, যেমন: জন্মনিয়ন্ত্রণের বড়ি, প্রেসারের ওষুধ, রক্ত তরলীকরণের ওষুধ, হরমোন, মানসিক অসুস্থতার ওষুধ ইত্যাদি
*•টাক পড়ার ক্ষেত্রে বংশগত কারণও থাকতে পারে
* ওপরের সমস্যাগুলোর মধ্যে অনেকগুলোই প্রতিরোধযোগ্যপ্রতিরোধের সঠিক উপায়গুলো জানা থাকলে আমরা সহজেই চুল পড়া রোধ করতে পারিএতে কাজ না হলে চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ নিতে হবে

* পুষ্টিকর খাবার ও পর্যাপ্ত পরিমাণে পানি খেতে হবেপ্রয়োজনীয় ভিটামিন ও খনিজ গ্রহণ করুন
* চুল খুশকিমুক্ত ও পরিষ্কার রাখুন
* দুশ্চিন্তামুক্ত জীবন যাপন করতে হবে
* বয়সের সঙ্গে চুলের রং পরিবর্তন হয়, এটা মেনে নিতে হবেকলপ, কৃত্রিম রং যতটা সম্ভব এড়িয়ে চলুন
* কোঁকড়া চুল সোজা করার চেষ্টা না করাই ভালোপ্রয়োজনে রাসায়নিকের পরিবর্তে রোলার ব্যবহার করুন
* টেনে চুল বাঁধা ঠিক নয়আস্তে চুল আঁচড়াবেন এবং ভেজা চুল বেশি আঁচড়াবেন নানরম থাকতে চুল ঠিক করুনব্রাশের চেয়ে দাঁতওয়ালা চিরুনি ব্যবহার করা ভালো
* চুলের ধরন বুঝে শ্যাম্পু ব্যবহার করবেন

* যেকোনো ওষুধ গ্রহণের আগে চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ নিতে হবে