This is the average Australian woman

Our model Melanie, 33, weighs 70 kilos. Is she overweight? We ask the public and an expert

Do you think this woman is overweight? That's the question we took to the streets to answer. Carrying a large poster of our model, Melanie, we asked people for their opinion – and the verdicts surprised us.

There's no denying it: Australians are getting bigger with every passing year.

In 1995, the average Australian woman weighed 67 kilograms, and latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show she is now tipping the scales at 70.1 kilos. The average Australian man is larger too – he now weighs 85.2 kilos, compared with 82 kilos in 1995.

Our model, Melanie, 33, represents the average Australian woman in height and weight. If this is what the average woman looks like, what does this mean for the future in terms of our health?
An upward trend

"Her BMI is around 26, so she's borderline overweight," says Kristen Hazelwood, head of education and prevention at the Australian Diabetes Council. A BMI of between 25 and 29.9 indicates you are overweight, and a BMI of over 30 indicates obesity.

The upward trend in our weight is extremely worrying for our health as a nation, Hazelwood adds.

"One and a half million Australians are overweight, so we're getting heavier," she says. "Being overweight contributes to two major health issues – heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Obesity is also linked to cancer, depression and kidney disease."
Weighing it up

BMI does not distinguish between weight due to muscle and weight due to fat, so another way to work out whether you have a problem with your weight is to measure your waist.

"A woman's waist should be 80 centimetres or less, and a man's 94 centimetres or less," Hazelwood says. Excess weight around the abdomen is a risk factor for heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Cause and effect

The obvious reasons for weight gain include too much junk food and a sedentary lifestyle. However, Hazelwood points to another surprising reason: we are unhappy.

"We've forgotten how to enjoy life," she says. "We work too hard, we're eating in front of the TV, and because of our stress levels we tend to go for comfort foods. We're not doing ourselves any favours."

Want to do something about your weight? Hazelwood recommends seeing a GP to ensure there are no other health issues, then starting small. "Don't lose weight too quickly. Aim for five kilos in five months. Even that will reduce a lot of risk factors."
What Melanie says

"I was quite shocked to find out I fitted the description for the average Australian woman. I actually thought it would be taller and larger than I am.

"I go through stages where I exercise and times when I don't, but I do try to walk my dog every day and if I'm being really good I'll exercise on my cross trainer.

I know I should eat more fresh fruit and vegies but I get lazy with cooking and often want something quick and easy like pasta or a bowl of cereal.

"Growing up, I felt around the same size as my peers. I put on extraweight every now and then but it never gets too out of control. I always manage to stay in the same weight range. I've probably put on about five kilos since my 20s, though.

"The risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease are definitely something to watch out for, especially as it's in my genetic line. That's something to work on."

Do you think this woman is overweight?

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